Scienza Contro Tutti

Scienza Contro Tutti

Scienza Contro Tutti (meaning Science Versus All) is a podcast for science dissemination.

The podcast was born during the Coronavirus outbreak to give people some basics of Biology and epidemiology to identify and avoid fake news. Over time, it became a podcast for scientific dissemination, focusing on helping people understand what is reliable and what is not in this confusing and complex world.

Check it out on Spotify:

And many other platforms like Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, Anchor, and Castbox;


Info sull'autore

Alessandro Cossard administrator

Alessandro Cossard is Physicist of Complex Systems. He's currently a Ph.D. Fellow in Chemistry and Material Science at the University of Turin and his work deals with the implementation into the software CRYSTAL of some method for the ab initio quantum simulations, in particular in the framework of the Bader’s QTAIM theory.

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